Multan Electric Power Company Muzaffargarh Circle Provides 50682 New Connections

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MUZAFFARGARH, ( – 23rd Jul, 2020 ) :Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) Muzaffargarh circle had provided 50682 new electricity connections to consumers during current fiscal year 2019,20.

Superintending Engineer (SE) Engineer Maher Nazar Muhammad said that the new connections included 46978 domestic connections, 2777 commercial, 181 industrial, 727 tubewell and 19 government connections.

Similarly, 1005 new transformers were installed while capacity of 379 transformers also enhanced during above said period across Muzaffargarh circle to provide electricity to consumers with better voltage and to reduce low voltage and tripping complaints.

He said that providing better facilities to consumers was company’s top priority.