MLC System Of DHQ Muzaffargarh Goes Digitalized

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MULTAN, ( – 21st Apr, 2022 ) :Medico Legal Certificate (MLC) system of District Headquarter (DHQ) Hospital Muzaffargarh was digitized in first phase which will be expanded to THQs in the second phase.

A spokesperson for Health Department South Punjab said that initiative would make the process hassle free wherein post mortem and its related issues would be resolved more transparently and promptly.

He quoted Secretary P& SHC South Punjab, Tanvir Iqbal Tabassum, as saying that in first phase medico legal process would be digitalized at all DHQ hospitals of the region adding that the facility would be introduced at THQs in second phase and later at RHCs.

Information and Service Delivery Unit of the department is helping for the step, he said.