Two Held With 3.7 Kilogram Hashish

MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 14th Dec, 2020 ) :Muzaffargarh police have arrested two narcotics peddlars and recovered over 3.7 kilogram Hashish from their possession in separate raids in Rihillanwali, police said on Monday. Police arrested Adnan and recovered 2230 gram Hashish from his possession while Saleem was held with 1480 gram Hashish in separate raids.

Separate FIRs were registered against the two drug pushers and investigations were in progress. Police also arrested two drunkards on charge of disturbing people by raising hue and cry at public place after consuming liquor. Another accused Samiullah was arrested on charge of keeping illegal weapon and a rifle was recovered from his possession.