Traducing Institutions Conspiracy To Weaken Country: Buzdar

LAHORE, (Muzaffargarh.City – 2nd Nov, 2020 ) :Punjab Chief Minister said on Monday that institutions were pride of the nation and any attempt to traduce them was, in fact, a conspiracy to weaken the country. He was talking to MPA Azhar Abbas Chandia, who called on him at his office here. The CM said that every attempt to vilify the state institutions would be foiled with the support of masses. He said that it was regrettable that the opposition parties were bent upon weakening democracy as their conduct was a clear negation of national interest. The PTI government would continue to support institutions, the CM vowed and added that the government was fully engaged in serving masses and genuine problems of parliamentarians would be solved on priority basis.

No one would be allowed to interrupt the development process, he warned adding that the past governments deprived small districts of development. However, he added, the PTI government was ensuring provision of resources for the development of Muzaffargarh and other districts of southern Punjab.On this occasion, Chandia reposed full confidence in Usman Buzdar and also strongly condemned the spate of contentious statements against the institutions.He also apprised the CM about the problems of his constituency and the CM assured him of solving them on a priority basis. Naeem Abbas Chandia was also present.