Sewage Water Inundates Graves In Muzaffargarh

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MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 15th Jun, 2020 ) :Sewage water inundated graves in a local graveyard which has been accumulated in railway ground of old locality, Tilkot.

Several graves of a local graveyard adjacent to Baba Peer Paratha tomb inundated due to the sewage water.

The resident of the area complained that water has been gathered in the area for long time and despite requests, Municipal Corporation had never paid attention to this issue.

They said that they were at risk of contacting diseases owing to the water adding that they were much concerned about inaundating of their forefathers graves because it has entered the nearby graveyard now.

Some of the graves have dumped, they said and requested that official concerned should pay attention to this issue urgently.

When contacted, Municipal Corporation administrator and DC, Amjad Suhaib said that the issue would be resolved on top priority.

He informed graveyard would also be protected and relief would be extended to local people.