Secretary Agriculture Reviews Crop Situation

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MUZAFFARGARH, ( – 1st Sep, 2021 ) :Secretary Agriculture South Punjab Saqib Ali reviewed crop situation while paying visit at different areas of district Muzaffargarh and tehsil Kot Addu on Wednesday.

Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary said after many years, cotton crop was proving to be profitable for the farmers.

It was mainly due to less use of pesticides, implementation of departmental advisories and better weather, he maintained.

He said farmers who had used bio-pesticides started to bear fruit from the bottom of the crop.

He said that ginning factories were set up in Punjab for the first time in August which was a proof that this year the farmers also got the initial fruits of the crop.

He said better crop and reasonable price had boosted the morale of farmers this year.

He directed the field formations to expedite the process of guiding the farmers.

He said that in order to get better care of cotton and get high quality cotton, farmers should be guided on clean masonry of cotton.

The Secretary hoped that next year there would be a significant increase in the area under cotton which would further stabilize the national economy. Mehr Abid Hussain, Director Agriculture Extension, Abdul Samad, Assistant Director Agriculture Information and other officers were also present on the occasion