People Get Free Masks, Sanitizers With Warning To Honor SOPs Or Face Legal Action

MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 28th Apr, 2021 ) :Local administration launched an advocacy campaign in the city on Wednesday by distributing free masks and sanitizers at markets and traffic busy cross-sections and aired a warning to the people to either develop habit of practicing SOPs to prevent virus or else be ready to face legal action once the advocacy drive ends. Assistant commissioner city Dr. Abida Fareed accompanying DSP city and DSP Traffic distributed free masks and hand sanitizers among people and urged them to maintain social distance from others,use face mask use,hand sanitizers or wash their hands with soap to avoid contracting with novel coronavirus at traffic-busy cross-sections, markets and business centers in Muzaffargarh city.

“Today,its just an advice but a very important one. However, its violation in the days to come when the advocacy phase is over would land violators in trouble,” she warned.Highest number of cases (52) were reported in a day in Muzaffargarh on Wednesday with three fatalities, according to statistics released by the health department, prompting the administration to reach out to the people to inform them of the gravity of the matter and plug chances of further worsening of situation also enforce standard operating procedure (SOPs) to contain further spread of the novel coronavirus.