Over Rs 4b To Be Spent On Six Public Health Engineering Schemes In Muzaffargarh

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MULTAN, (Muzaffargarh.City – 10th Jun, 2021 ) :Secretary Housing South Punjab, Liaqat Ali Chatha said that over Rs 4 billion would be spent on six uplift projects of public health engineering at Muzaffargarh during next fiscal year. He said that the ongoing uplift projects at a cost of Rs 2.60 billion would also be completed soon.

He expressed these views during inspection of sewerage and water supply schemes at Muzaffargarh area on Thursday. He said that sewerage system, disposal station and water filtration plant at Tayyip Erdogan colony have been completed. He expressed annoyance over use of poor quality of bricks and ordered replacement and early lifting of bricks from the site.

Liaqat Ali Chatha directed the Executiv Engineer to take strict action against contractor over non completion of work and ordered special focus on quality work.

Meanwhile, he directed the Deputy Director housing for arrangement of site for PM’s New Pakistan Housing Program. He directed for improvement of housing schemes under PHATA and collection of commercialization fee.

On this occasion, Deputy Secretary Admin, Malik Muhammad Sami, XEN Public Health Engineering and other officials were present.