NGOs, Public Organizations Appear Active In Creating Awareness Drive Against Coronavirus

MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 25th Apr, 2020 ) :Non Governmental organizations(NGOs) also appeared active along with public organizations to hold fight against coronavirus by adopting various measures and spreading precautions on roads and streets across the district here on Saturday. Scouts of Al-Mustafa Foundation, a welfare organization, held fumigation of chlorine-mixed water at different streets and bazaars.

Chairman, Scouts of Al -Mustafa Foundation, Jawad Naqvi said on the occasion that spray was carried out at different location of Kot Addu, Jitoi, Khan Garh, Sher Sultan, Ali Pur and Muzaffargarh from dawn to dusk. He said the foundation’s dozens of scouts did hand washed of people with chlorine water and taught precautionary measures to save them from probable virus infection. Scouts also spread awareness among people about wearing gloves and masks to stay safe and healthy in their respective accommodations.