NCHD To Avail Services Of 2,929 Volunteers To Create Awareness On COVID-19

ISLAMABAD, (Muzaffargarh.City – 22nd Jun, 2020 ) :National Commission Human Development (NCHD) would avail services of its 2,929 volunteers in 16 districts to create awareness against COVID-19 pandemic. Director General NCHD, Hassan Baig said, it is a joint initiative of NCHD and Pakistan Human Development Fund (PHDF) to support government and people to fight COVID-19, said a news release. He said under the pilot project, 96,100 households of Muzaffargarh, Sargodha , DG Khan, Khairpur Shikarpur Sukkar, Mardan , Lakki Marwat , Buner, Kech , Zhob and Washuk, Kotli Muzaffardabad, Sakuru and Gilgit will receive training to prepare sanitizers at home.

”This project will enable individuals at grass-root level to take precautionary measures against spread of coronavirusand reinforce the awareness among communities of remote areas regarding corona virus,” he informed.It is a pilot project which would benefit 672,700 community members in 1,922 locations identified in 16 districts, he said adding, 2600 goodie bags containing masks, soaps and sanitizers and 400 ration bags to needy people would also be distributed among general public under the project.