Muzaffargarh- Third Rape Incident Reported In 48 Hours

MUZAFFARGARH, ( – 15th Jun, 2022 ) :Police claimed to have arrested rape accused and booked him under respective clauses of Pakistan Penal Code after getting medical of the victim soon after the incident reported here Wednesday.

In yet another incident of sexual assualt in past 48 hours, a rickshaw driver raped his passenger girl in limits of Khan Garh Police Station.

According to police source, 16 years old girl, Fatima Bibi, moved by auto rickshaw to her location at Noor Kubra from home of her maternal mother, Fazlan Bibi situated at Haji Wah. The driver identified as Muhammad Kamran, son of Allah Ditta, diverted his vehicle’s direction on the way from to deserted area of Mubbarak Pur where he subject her to physical assault among the bushes.

Upon hue and cry of the girl, passerby gathered to which the driver escaped the scene along with the rickshaw.

According to police, case was registered on report of the victim’s father named Muhammad Ejaz, son of Elahi Bukhsh after taking her medical report.

It’s third consecutive incident occurred in past 24 hours in jurisdiction of the same police station. Yesterday, a girl was molested during her morning walk and the accused killed her brother when the later tried to restrain their move of offence. In another case, a woman was raped during midnight of May 13-14 in front of her children.

Police have registered both of the cases as well but the accused were still at large whereas their search was on what it was claimed.