Korea Provides Fund To Support Girls Education In Remote Areas Of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, (Muzaffargarh.City – 26th Apr, 2018 ) :The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training and Government of Pakistan Thursday signed a plan for operating a Korean funded “Girls’ Right to Education Programme” in Bahawalpur and Muzaffargarh districts in South Punjab and Astore and Ganche in Gilgit-Baltistan.

3.4 million Dollar funds of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) will support national capacity building to realize girls’ right to education in Pakistan’s Punjab province and Gilgit-Baltistan, through interventions targeting education officials, community leaders, teachers and parents, a press release issued here said on Thursday.

“The Republic of Korea’s support to UNESCO, especially in education, is extremely valuable in expanding the “Malala Girls Right to Education Programme” in four new districts for promotion of access and quality of girls’ education,” the minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Muhammad Baligh-Ur-Rehman said.

. “It is encouraging that donors are showing interest in education sector in Pakistan, which is a testimony of their confidence in the present government’s efforts for promoting education in the country,” he added.

Vibeke Jensen, UNESCO representative in Pakistan expressed her gratitude to the people of the Republic of Korea for supporting girls’ education in Pakistan. This support will enable UNESCO to expand the outreach of its exiting “Girls Right to Education Programme” in additional districts in Punjab and Gilgit-Baltistan where the indicators for girls’ education are very low.

She appreciated the Ministry of Education and Professional Training for its unwavering support and ownership of “Girls Right to Education Programme” in Pakistan. Chung Jong Hyon, Country Head KOICA, expressed his pleasure in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan and UNESCO for promoting girls education in most needy areas of the country.

He assured his continued cooperation for promoting the cause of education in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan contributed 10 million Dollars to the “Malala Funds in Trust for Girls Right to Education” established in 2012, of which $ 7 million are earmarked for the “Girls’ Right to Education Programme” in Pakistan. areas.