Kashmir Seige Day Observed In Muzaffargarh

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MUZAFFARGARH , (Muzaffargarh.city – 5th Aug, 2020 ) :A rally to express solidity with oppressed Kashmiris of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) was organized under the auspices of district administration here on Wednesday.

Led by MPs, Oun Hameed Dogar, Ashraf Rind and Deputy Commissioner Amjad Suhaib Tareen, people from all walks of life besides DPO, Nadeem Abbas, CEO health, Dr Fayyaz Leghari, CEO education, Kausar Abbas, rescuers, tiger force office bearers and others attended the rally.

It began from DC office and culminated at Fayyaz Park.

A one minute silence was also observed on the occasion after playing of siren at 9am.

Speaking on the occasion, MPAs Oun Hameed and Ashraf Rind said that Military seige in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) for the last one year was unjust and against humanity.

They said liberty is snatched adding that the entire nation stood by their Kashmiri brethren.

DC Amjad Suhaib informed that Pakistanis enjoys a religious relation with Kashmiris as Muslims adding that India should know that our nation and army are awakening.

He stated that IIOJ&K has been made included in Pakistan’s map yesterday the occupied valley will soon be part of the country.

Later, Maulana Abdul Mabood Azad prayered for country’s progress and prosperity.