Gang Of Swindler Loots Jewellery Shop In Muzaffargarh

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MUZAFFARGARH, ( – 27th Jan, 2021 ) :Five among two women of a gang of swindlers took away jewellery worth millions of rupees from a jeweller shop located at Sarafa bazaar here on Wednesday.

Police of Alipur police station is taking prompt action against the crime registered with it, succeeded to hold one of the accused women and registered FIR against her.

The owner of the jewellery shop held complaint with the police station concerned that said number of swindler gang took away gold from his shop on pretext of purchasing them.

He said they entangled with him after creating irrelevant petty issues and later slipped away with gold ornaments from his shop.

Police on the other hand, claimed to have initiated investigation through arrested woman and said rest of the accused would soon be held.