Foolproof Security On Youm-e-Ali

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MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 15th Jun, 2017 ) : Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Saif Anwar has pledged a foolproof security on Youm-e-Ali, to be held on upcoming Saturday. Addressing a district peace committee meeting here on Thursday, he appreciated an environment of harmony and brotherhood among different schools of thought in the district.

He stressed augmenting peace environment after setting aside mutual differences. Chairman District Council Umar Khan Gopang said on the occasion that Muslims were like a family and they must resolve their differences like family members. The meeting was attended by Javed Akhtar, Ghazanfar Abbas Naqvi, Javed Kazmi, Ameer Hassan, Gulzar Abbas, Muhammad Hussain Madni and others.