Five More Patients Fall Prey To COVID At Nishtar Hospital

MULTAN, (Muzaffargarh.City – 23rd Nov, 2020 ) :Another five patients fell prey to Coronovirus at Nishtar Hopsital within last 24 hours bringing the tally to 243 since March this year. Nishtar focal person for infectious diseases, Dr Irfan Arshad said that Robina (55) Abdul Rehman (56) Muhammad Azam (56) M.

Rafiq (52) and Muhammad Idress (58), passed away at ICU of Nishtar hospital. Robina , Abdul Rehman, Muhammad Idress and M. Rafiq hailed from Multan while Muhammad Azam belonged to Muzaffargarh, he informed.Ninety-nine patients are positive and 104 are suspected out of total 202 cases, he said.Of them, three serious patients are on ventilator, he concluded.