Another Two Dengue Cases Reported In Punjab

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LAHORE, ( – 26th Sep, 2020 ) :-:Another two dengue cases were reported in the province one from Khushab and the second one from Muzaffargarh during the last 24 hours.

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department said here on Saturday that 696 suspected cases of dengue virus were reported during the last 24 hours who had been kept in surveillance and their tests are being conducted.

From January to uptill now, 60 confirmed cases of dengue were reported in the province, however, 54 patients were discharged after recovery while 6 patients were under treatment.

No death caused by dengue was reported due to effective measures taken by the government.

The Punjab government was continuously working against dengue across the province and anti-dengue staff detected dengue larvae at 2,406 places during the last seven days.

The P&SHD advised the people to adopt precautionarymeasures and keep their environment clean and dry to protectthemselves from dengue.