All Set For First Thal Jeep Rally

MUZAFFARGARH, (Muzaffargarh.City – 28th Oct, 2016 ) : All arrangements have been finalized for organizing Thal Jeep rally, said DCO Shoukat Ali. Presiding over a meeting to review the Thal jeep rally arrangements here on Friday, he said that duties had been assigned to officials of all the departments concerned for holding 1st jeep rally.

The DCO said that registration of vehicles, tagging of vehicles, provision of navigators cards to drivers, medical check-up of drivers, provision of dry-ration and medical kits would be provided on November 3 at Shamim farm, Head Muhammad Wala.

The race will start from Changa Manga, Head Muhammad Wala from November 5-8 which conclude by 4:00 pm at Head Muhammad Wala.

The results would be announced 7:00 pm at Faisal stadium, Muzaffargarh while cash prizes and trophies will be awarded to first, second and third position holders.

The DCO said that various recreational programmes had also been arranged for the spectators including jhoomer and local sports. He said that food street would be arranged for the spectators on November 4,5. ADC Maher Khalid has been deputed as focal person for Thal jeep rally while EDO CD Ghulam Abbas and DO Sports Asghar Khan would be the member of committee.